You see 5 children, two boy, three girls. On the left is the oldes boy, next is the oldest girl. Next is a girl, than a boy again and finally a girl. They are on the floor and they are looking to the photographer. All children are smiling.
You see 5 children, two boy, three girls. On the left is the oldes boy, next is the oldest girl. Next is a girl, than a boy again and finally a girl. They are on the floor and they are looking to the photographer. All children are smiling.

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Music Calendars and Music Calendars for Children Are Gifts for Musicians ... So Why Don't You Find Almost Any?


Music calendars, music calendars. Some for children and teens, others for adults. And if Bach 4 You has a total of 33 music calendars, then you can imagine: There are also some for very small musicians in kindergarten age, and many for teens and one or the other music calendar is also really hip for young adults. This page of the website is not meant for kids, but for parents, for friends of parents, for musicians, that is adult musicians, for classical music fans and for teachers, especially for music teachers. By the way, here is an overview of all 99 music calendars, almost without any text. Click here to get to all these 99 pictures.


Actually ... you wanted to get directly to the shop? Because you are looking for music calendars? And you wanted that now? That is possible here with a click on the shop button.


Above it is a music calendar and at the same time a Bach calendar. But you won't find it in bookstores under any circumstances. It is published by the Publishing House "Bach 4 You". In the Publishing House's shop there are 32 other Bach calendars, which are also great gifts for musicians. Have a look now? You can do that by clicking the button above the calendar. Your option: 2024 or 2025.

Really many music gifts, really many Bach gifts, really many music calendars and really many Bach calendars ... learn more here.



Actually, There Had Almost Been No Music Calendars Around ... That Is Why Nobody Is Still Researching for Them Today


But why were there no music calendars "in the past" when today Bach 4 You has 99 music calendars? Well, we have to go back in time a little: to the year 2015. To January 2015. If you searched for music calendars on Google at the beginning of 2015, you found the following: two calendars on the subject of composers and then a whole number of calendars that were also available on musicians and bands. On the subject of ABBA, Justin Bieber, Rihanna, Beatles, Rolling Stones, Elvis and how they are all called. Spring 2015 was the time when the Bach Coloring Book and the Bach Biography for Children were "on the home stretch". And we had this idea to publish a Bach Calendar as well. We, that is Peter Bach Jr. with his Bach on Bach Project, which also includes this website on Bach for Children. And this is the Renate Bach Publishing House Bach 4 You, which Renate Bach runs. Because we had noticed in the meantime that we could inspire even more people to Bach in a detour, we had the idea to first create this one calendar on the subject of Bach. And then we quickly came up with the plan to reach not only Bach fans, but also many Classical Music fans around the world with a calendar on the great composers.


As you can already see from the most important website about Bach, in fact Bach on Bach, and also from this one, in our "Bach Mission" actually nothing is "normal" at all. There is much of everything and about everything: much to read, many videos, many Bach monuments and Bach choirs and Bach orchestras, many websites. And so it was with our calendar plans. After many music fans liked the first two calendars in the fall of 2015 ... a Bach calendar and shortly after a composers calendar ... we decided to make our Bach Mission even better known via the topic of music calendars. And because exciting numbers excite the author of this page so much, there should be 33 Bach calendars, 33 music calendars, 33 composers calendars and 33 music calendars for children and teens.


And anyway: The question above is not really answered, respectively the headline explained? Good. So now: People search. And since Google exists, we know that you have to think about how to search most successfully with Google. And then comes the moment when you realize with a so-called search term: You just can't reach your goal with it. For example, hundreds of thousands of people have searched for music calendars over the last 20 years. And in their search they finally arrive at Abba, Rihanna and the Beatles. But these are not music calendars as we mean it. In fact, they are calendars on the subject of music. And anyone who has had this experience once, or even three or four times, will never google "music calendars" again. Because he or she "knows" that there are no great results. And that's why our start was particularly difficult. It's completely different with the term "musicians gifts". Here you will not only find many, many pages, but on these many, many pages there are also an infinite number of musicians gifts. We now want to try to get to the very front and to page 1 on Google in the coming months, in order to point out to all people who are looking for musicians gifts that music calendars are also musicians gifts and ... that they actually exist since 2016. A long way, but your visit today and here helps us a lot.


A music calendar rather for music fans beyond age 16. A collection of twelve dreamlike photos in a combination with music sheets. Noble gold meets white: twelve months of fun on your wall. Two options: 2024 or 2025. To the shop.



33 Music Calendars, 33 Bach Calendars, 33 Composers Calendars, 33 Music Calendars for Kids: 99 Calendars!


First of all, once again on our own subject: You would like to have a look at 99 music calendars, maybe even the 1,188 individual monthly sheets? But just not read page-long texts? Then here is another shortcut for you. Because on this page on which you are reading currently, there will be no 99 pictures of 99 music calendars here, but only a few examples. 


99 music calendars can be experienced thus immediately and without much text on this above linked page of the Renate Bach Publishing House and from there you can continue again to the shop, where you can finally then also discover the monthly sheets. To the shop directly – if you are already "wildly determined" to buy a calendar – you can get there directly with a click here. Or of course also via the shop button above.


Further, in the subject of mathematics? Why does 33 + 33 + 33 + 33 calendars on this page and on Bach 4 You now add up to exactly 99 calendars? And not 132 calendars? A bit confused – admittedly – our Publishing House defines all music calendars once as follows: In the shop, these are first of all all "real music calendars", but also the composers calendars and also the Bach calendars. But actually, and this is how the Publishing House also defines it, 66 calendars are not music calendars at all, but Bach calendars and composers calendars ... also if you remember how to search via Google. And because some composers calendars are also "music calendars for children", the addition finally results in 99 calendars and not only 132.


That's right: It could hardly be more confusing. How good that it is clearer in the shop. But because so few calendar publishers offer music calendars, and because no publishing house in the world specializes almost exclusively in music calendars, we make "a little bit of our own rules". And somehow it's right: a composers calendar is also a music calendar. But then so would be the ABBA calendar. We'll leave that ... here ... just generously drop completely under the table. And by the way: Of course ... we ... we don't know ... whether Bach 4 You is the only music calendar publisher on earth. Three more music calendars, so in the sense of the section correct, real music calendars, will be presented to you next ... then comes the solution to the arithmetic problem above.

A dream of colors, a dream of music calendar (... 2024 + 2025) ...

... a music calendar for lovers of Classical Music (... also 2024 + 2025) ...

... plus finally – related to the subject in the last paragraph above – one more real music calendar. For the littlest. US style and EU style. In 2024 + 2025. To the shop.



33 + 33 + 33 + 33 = 99?


Well, first there were the Bach calendars. Actually, it was only one Bach calendar. At the very beginning. The one with the Bach monuments. But shortly after that, more were planned. Many more Bach calendars. In thoughts forever. Then came the idea to lead also over the Classical Composers to Bach. And this in turn was reflected in the calendar planning after only a short time: The first composers calendar was created. At first, of course, only in our heads, but then quickly also in reality. The composers calendar with the title pages of the five historical weekly pages from the century before last was "born".


After all, the entire community interested in music on the internet seemed exciting to us in order to present Bach in more detail and so the path led us further and towards the first music calendar. And so we – the creative people in our Bach Mission – came up with one music calendar after another. For adults, for juveniles and for teens. Together ... again, because especially the author of these pages enjoys numbers so much: 33 music calendars. Just as 33 composers calendars were planned. And then also 33 Bach calendars.


But what was still missing? There was ... with us ... no children's calendars on the subject of music. And so my husband invented a fourth category: children's calendars. Music calendars especially for children. And this category is generated from the music calendars that are perfect for kids in the above category and the calendars that are good for kids, teens, juveniles or young adults among the composers calendars ... whatever you call kids under 22. And then finally, yes, there are Bach calendars, especially for kids.


So "it comes" that the Publishing House Bach 4 You offers 33 music calendars, 33 composers calendars, 33 Bach calendars and 33 music calendars for children: A total of 99 music calendars.

Sure, there are again three cool music calendars at the end of this page. This one above is actually really daring already, but in a black and white living room it fits supernaturally and hyper-genial. A music calendar, which is actually also a composers calendar. 2024 + 2025.

Another composers calendar, which is also a music calendar. Would you like to know again a way to all 99 music calendars? Here it is, via a click on this link. Three sizes. Two styles. 2024 + 2025.

1,000+ Bach gifts and 10,000+ music gifts … learn more here.

And how could it be otherwise at the end of this page? The very last calendar is of course a really cute music calendar for kids, which is of course at the same time what? That's right, a children's calendar on the subject of music. Just the way you like it. Your choice: 2024 + 2025, three sizes. To the shop.



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