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The 2024 Luther Calendar
Why is there a Luther Calendar, or more precisely, a Dr. Martin Luther Calendar on a portal about Johann Sebastian Bach? It is not quite easy to answer. But: Firstly, Luther was also a composer. Did he compose Classical Music? In a way, yes, if you define it as generously as we do. Quite precisely, what Martin Luther composed is "early music." Songs. Over 30 were composed by him. Reason enough for us to allow a calendar in his honor. But how did we come up with this idea? The original thought was probably that while searching for ancient wood engravings on the themes of Bach, Mozart and Beethoven over ten years, we "passed" Luther etchings, Luther steel engravings and Luther wood engravings now and then. In the past ten years. Then there was a break.
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The Luther Calendar. It was created twelve years after our Bach Mission began. And for a long time we didn't know at all whether we would find twelve Luther motifs for twelve calendar pages, the quality of which would fit in perfectly with the Publishing House philosophy.
In 2017 the world celebrated. 500 years of the Reformation. And right at the forefront, people all over the world also celebrated Martin Luther. In his honor and to mark this anniversary, a toy company released a toy manikin. It was to become the most sought-after toy manikin in history: Luther. We had wanted such a toy manikin for twelve years. A Bach manikin (... today it is called the "Little Bach Figure" in the shop). In the Publishing House and on the website Bach on Bach there were even inquiries whether such a Bach manikin might exist someday. And no, we didn't believe in it, because the level of awareness of Bach is tiny compared to that of Luther. And the production would not have been profitable for the company. But things turned out differently: Shortly afterwards, measured against the twelve years without a Bach manikin, one did appear. In fact, on Bach's 333rd birthday. What a joy. Of course, we ordered it, included it in our range and photographed it for this purpose.
Sure: white wig, writing desk, inkwell, pen and violin. Undoubtedly, it is the Bach manikin of the mighty toy manufacturer. By the way: In the background blurred is the Bauhaus in Eisenach.
The concerns about whether we would be able to find enough Luther motifs for a twelve-page calendar also "evaporated". Of course, cool, modern and hip paintings were out of the question for this theme. Because we already find the Luther manikin extremely borderline. But thousands of Christians did not see it that way.
Good. So no hip, quirky and funny motifs on the subject of Martin Luther. What remains? Monuments, for example. In fact, there are many, many more monuments to Luther than to the Baroque composer Johann Sebastian Bach. And so great photos of Luther monuments offer themselves as calendar monthly pages. Actually ... there are far too many Luther monuments, there are 16 Luther cities alone. And we didn't want to offer a Luther monument calendar, but a mix of different components. Maybe there will be a Luther monument calendar ... later on. In that case, some photo excursions would probably be necessary. Always only in best weather. And always only one or two per day at most. Or per trip. We want to see how the demand for the first Luther calendar develops.
Next topic: wood engravings. Ancient wood engravings. It is not so easy to find the originals to them. So that you can scan them perfectly and in high resolution. And then rework them so that they are perfect in print. At first, of course, there are concerns about whether there are enough such artworks at all. So scenes with Luther in focus are enough. And there were. In the end, we bought them all and processed them further.
The third component is portraits of Martin Luther: the very well-known and the most well-known. Here too, of course, the resolution of the original played a very decisive role, because we naturally did not want to offer a single second-class motif in our Luther Calendar.106
The Luther Calendar in January 2024.
We discarded another component shortly before the editorial deadline, although we had already bought a copy: Luther on stamps. There are two kinds of such Luther stamps: One is "serious", but hardly any of them are really beautiful. The second kind are gorgeous souvenir sheets and really great single stamps, but they are issued by countries in Arabia or in Africa. So they are almost Cinderellas, so no real stamps and only printed for the motif collectors among the stamp collectors. A Few Luther stamps are kind of in the middle, so neither really beautiful, nor Cinderella. There are also first day covers on the Luther theme, of course. By the time the ordered stamp mentioned above arrived, we had already dismissed the idea of a monthly page with a Luther stamp. This motive would not have fit to the others. But maybe, just maybe, there will be a Luther stamp calendar one day. Let's wait and see how we like the first Luther calendar.
The Luther Calendar 2024 in February: the Luther monument in Dresden, Saxony, Germany.
The Luther Calendar 2024 in March: It is the arrival of Martin Luther at the Wartburg near Eisenach in Thuringia, Germany. By the way, all wood engravings are excellent in print, the images on this website page may not be displayed optimally, depending on your PC, laptop, smartphone or tablet.
The Martin Luther Calendar 2024 in April: the Luther Monument in Wittenberg. You can hardly tell from this photo that Luther is standing under a canopy. But ... you know that now.
The Luther Calendar 2024 in May. Once again an age-old wood engraving. It is a relatively well-known portrait of the reformer, but this time with a cap and again: printed, the wood engraving looks perfect.
June in the Luther Calendar 2024. It is the Luther Monument in Eisenach.
Luther "forinterprets" the Bible. It was called that way in the German language back then and maybe it was different in English, too. It is a scene that took place at Wartburg Castle close to Eisenach, Germany, where Luther hided as Junker Jörg. Here he is said to have thrown his inkwell at the devil.
The certainly best known portrait of Dr. Martin Luther. Therefore, it may be on the cover of our Luther Calendar and at the same time it is the August page. Perhaps it was painted by Lucas Cranach the Elder. In any case, it comes from his atelier. This calendar is also available in 2024 + 2025 in three sizes.
Luther's wedding as a wood engraving is our September sheet in the Luther Calendar 2024. On June 13, 1525, the Eisleben native married Katharina von Bora. The Luther City of Wittenberg celebrates this occasion every year. 100 performers, 2,000 wedding guests, 90,000 visitors: The city of 45,000 inhabitants is particularly proud of this.
Rarely is a prominent personality born in the same house and then died exactly there over 60 years later. That happened in Eisleben, Germany. It is the fourth photo of a Luther monument in the Luther Calendar 2024 and became the October motif.
A wood engraving after a well-known oil painting by Gustav Spangenberg: The penultimate month in the Luther Calendar 2024 ... November.
The most voluminous Reformation monument in Europe becomes the Luther Monument in our Luther Calendar 2024. It stands in Worms. Only four of ten figures can be seen, in favor – in our case and in this photo – of Martin Luther, who stands dominantly in the center and also elevated. The final December calendar page.
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