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Gifts for Musicians and More Gifts for Musicians: 99 Really Cool Music Calendars and Many Exciting Bach Gifts, Too!
Gifts for musicians. So you are looking for gifts for musicians? Gifts for musicians for small music fans or those for big music fans? Hello, parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts, brothers and sisters, cousins and nephews: Does one of your kids already have a first contact to Classical Music or to music in general? Or is he or she learning to play a musical instrument? Here – in this ad – you could find really cool, special and stylish gift ideas. We – that's me with my tiny Publishing House Bach 4 You and my husband with his project Bach on Bach – we try to refinance our whole meanwhile huge "Johann-Sebastian-Bach Mission" a little bit and came – step by step – to the realization that calendars fit perfectly to the topic music: They are an educational support to get children even more excited about music. And with them, we can also perfectly ask you for your help to support my husband's project Bach on Bach and our common Mission: Oh yes ... and by the way, music calendars are also a nice decoration for your home or just ... a great gift for musicians.
This is one of the calendars of the Publisher. Of course, it is for the very youngest future musicians or music fans. In addition, there are more calendars, which then fit the age from 4 to 22 years. And ... of course, young adults at 22 are no longer children at all, not even teenagers. In total, there are about 150 Bach gifts for musicians to discover in the shop. Gifts for musicians for big music fans and gifts for musicians for ... small music fans. You always get the calendars in three sizes. 2024 + 2025.
1,000 gifts for musicians or 10,000 gifts for musicians? Learn more.
Why Is That Promotion Page Right Here?
This page, it is set up only for adults who come by here. So for parents, grandparents, teachers, musicians, classical music fans and in general ... for music friends. And also "actually" this page should be called "gifts for musicians, gifts for musicians, gifts for musicians". Or also "Bach calendars, composers calendars and music calendars". But the first variant seemed to us then somewhat "too much of a good thing". With the second heading, however, the Bach gifts would have "fallen under the table". And that is not possible on a Bach website. Not at all. And so it is called, as it is called above. That ... is not the answer to the question, above, in the headline: Why is this particular advertisement page here at all now?
Well, our Bach Mission – it is, after all, the combination of the project Bach on Bach by Peter Bach jr. ... that is several websites and this is one of them ... and the Renate Bach Publishing House Bach 4 You ... it also costs a lot of money: First there are the many, many illustrations. These are paintings, wood engravings, steel engravings and etchings as well as modern and ancient, exciting and historical, expensive and cheap: They all have to be bought before we can scan or photograph and to publish them. Here it's € 10, there it's € 5, and sometimes it's even much more than these two small amounts. But together there are dozens, if not hundreds of small, tiny and also really big amounts that add up to quite a hefty sum. In addition, there are costs for all the travels, because from Flein near Heilbronn, of course, we first have to drive to Ansbach, Bavaria, to Paris, France, to Prague, Czech Republic and to the " Land of the Bache" – around Erfurt, Thuringia – before we could finally photograph Bach's monuments there. And every now and then we even have to stay overnight, if you can't get there in one day, photograph, and then drive right back the same day. And we have to travel there once again when the weather forecast was completely off the mark, and instead of the expected sunshine, it was continuous rain that spoiled the photographing.
The Emoji Calendar "Musical Emojis" is one of the music calendars for the very littlest music fans. Not everybody will like that design and ... that is actually not necessary after all. The main issue is that you like one of the gifts for musicians on this page real much. Then ... we find that result cool. And again: 2024 + 2025. To the shop.
It seems to be the same music calendar for children as earlier on this page. However, one very important detail is different: You can color this calendar on your own and after that ... it's the perfect and also self-made gift for grandma and grandpa. Every year, for instance 2024 or 2025. Three sizes. EU + US style.
You want to read less text, but you want to see all the gifts for musicians of the Publisher "on one seat"? You can do that by clicking on the shop button above. Or here. There you will find the selection of all gifts for musicians. Please decide: composers calendars, Bach calendars, music calendars or music calendars for kids? And there are also: Bach gifts. And more gifts that all have to do with music. Plus, all together they are then? Right, a lot of gifts for musicians.
Even More Costs ... However: Is There a Solution, Too?
Of course, it doesn't stop with the expenses for illustrations. Plus trips are causing just a fraction of the expenses, too. We have to add here a small donation, so we could get permission to take photos in a church inside, and there we had to buy a Bach book, in which we hoped to discover important details related to the Bach Genealogy. After all the family research in the matter of "family of musicians" costs pretty much. Here a bottle of wine as a thank you, there a small to a moderate fee for research in an archive. Here small archive fees, at a different location it's pretty high. The service of a professional genealogist, he is our friend meanwhile, is actually really low – by the way: It would be the same amount for you – however, it just adds up. A really exciting project triggers really exciting expenses: It is a long-planned scientific DNA check among members of different Bach family branches. With the hope, that this finally brings more clarity in the relationship of today living Bachs and the descendants of Veit Bach from the little community in Thuringia, Wechmar.
Here are cool gifts for musicians for the very young music fans. There is not only one music calendar on which there is a complete "cute little animal band" that makes music. No, there's even a whole music calendar with a kitty band, a doggie band, elephants make music and little pandas do too. Well, if there is not almost every favorite animal with it?! And ... do you want to make it a gift for musicians or a gift for music enthusiasts? 2024 + 2025. To the shop.
The music calendar for children with doggies that make music . Is this a doggy music calendar then? Why not click over to the store for a quick look at all six music calendars in this style, plus the 72 monthly pages? To make this work really conveniently for you, here's the link right away. There, you finally choose the right "corner" of the offers, click on the most exciting calendar and then scroll to the bottom of the page. In fact, on this page, you'll find all the other gifts for musicians and more gifts for musicians. 2023, 2024, 2025 and then later also 2026.
It Goes Without Saying: On a Page for Children, You Will Find Music Calendars for Children First. But There Are 66 More!
If you want a quick survey of all 99 music calendars that you could make a gift for musicians with your purchase, you'll get that not here on this page. But you can ... with just one click ... get there very quickly. So here you have only two options now. If you are thinking about buying a calendar, then the best thing to do is to click here to the shop. But if you are now just quite excited about the calendars you saw above and quickly want to check whether you could make a calendar a next gift for musicians, then click here to an exciting, (almost) completely without comment quick overview.
On the left side it is a composers calendar, on the right side a composers T-shirt. In 33 composers calendars, twelve masters of music are portrayed in each. The Beethoven Calendar, the Mozart Calendar and the Luther Calendar are different. In these three calendars of the "Just One Composer" edition – further down three pictures follow – you find twelve motives each to one ( ! ) master. Your option, as always: 2024 or 2025. To the shop.
Just a little reminder … learn more.
What's more, Bach 4 You offers not only cool and stylish music calendars, but also really, really conservative ones. Four main groups of interested people will be happy after learning more about this special, however tiny Publisher Company and its offer: First of all, there are music calendars for all music lovers and especially for all friends of music lovers. Secondly, there are composers calendars for all those who especially love Classical Music. The next and third specialty are Bach calendars, of course for all Bach fans on earth. And finally there are ... fourth ... the already so often mentioned above music calendars for children, small children, older children and also for young adults. You decide which of the music calendars will eventually become a great gift for musicians.
Yes, we actually have really, really conservative calendars on offer as well: This composer calendar is one of them. It is a calendar for lovers of really, really authentic historical things. It consists of twelve front pages of ancient weekly newspapers. It is one of the Publisher's hot-off-the-press music calendars. There are inexpensive composers calendars and calendars hot off the press. Feel free to learn more here about all the calendars that "could be the next exciting gift for musicians in your life." First time in 2016 and now 2024 or 2025.
2023, 2024, 2025, 2026 ... no matter when you come by here again: This first composers calendar will appear again and again and again in every coming year. So also next year. And so you also have no decision stress, which calendar you now want to make one of your gifts for musicians this year. And which perfect gift for musicians there will be next year. We want to offer all 99 music calendars for many, many years. Even if we were to take one or two calendars out of the program to replace them with something even more creative, you would still be able to order them for many years to come. Freely according to the motto: Once a gift for musicians, always a gift for musicians.
Value Priced or Hot Off the Press? 99 Cool Gifts for Musicians
Bach 4 You is truly a really tiny Calendar Publisher and calendars are indeed a ... "very perishable commodity". And that's why Bach 4 You offers its calendars in exactly two different ways. The Publisher has a very small print run of nine calendars printed and stores them until they are ordered. All the other 90 music calendars are printed only at your request and after your order, and in perfection. Of course, because the print run plays a big role when it comes to prices, the Publishing House can order a small run much more economically than ordering just one or two calendars. And now ... you can benefit from the decision of the Publishing House management and the creatives who have chosen exactly these nine designs. To find out very quickly which are the nine affordable music calendars, please click here: There you will find them among the composers calendars, the music calendars and the Bach calendars. Plus, then there is the pipe organ calendar, the Beethoven calendar, the Mozart calendar and the Luther calendar. Every year again.
Hurrah, one of the value-priced nine calendars of my Publishing House, too. It's cool, it's stylish, and it's inexpensive. What can you expect more from a gift for musicians? Three sizes. EU + US style. 2024 + 2025.
Only a few years after the almost countless (... not really now ...) music calendars were created, we "invented" two more calendars on the theme of the famous tone poets. But these two are quite different from the 33 composers calendars that the Publishing House offered before: The composers calendars always feature twelve different ( ! ) artists on the pages from January to December. The 33 Bach calendars are different. There are twelve Bach motifs on each page that match the calendar title. Finally, the Beethoven calendar (... above) and the Mozart calendar (... below) were created. In these two calendars there are twelve motifs relating to Beethoven and Mozart respectively. 2024 + 2025. To the shop, to explore the monthly pages?
The Mozart calendar: 12 times Mozart in one calendar: conservative and modern works of art. 2024 and 2025. Two styles. Three sizes.
Once again, a whole year later, the Luther calendar came into being. Why Luther? Because he was also a composer, which many people do not know. But that was not the actual occasion. The occasion was the publication of a "Luther manikin" by a toy company. And it was for the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. A little later, these experts finally issued a Bach manikin. While researching this Bach manikin, we creative people at the Publishing House also "dropped in on Luther" once again, and in a video about Luther's life, depicted with this Luther manikin, we learned that this Luther figure, as it should be called a little more reverently, is the most sought-after of all similar figures. This led to the idea of a Luther calendar, even if Luther had not been a composer. But when it turned out that Luther was also a composer, the goal was defined: find enough cool, very conservative motifs to publish a Luther calendar. Here you can explore these twelve monthly pages.
A Final Calendar Paragraph, a Final Example: What Actually Is European Style, Which Is Poster Style?
When you see a calendar in a shopping mall, a bookstore or at "Spreadshirt" on the internet, you are usually excited by the cover. However, this only tells half the truth about how the calendar will look later on your wall. Compared to a 50/50 style offering (... that's 50 percent beautiful picture and 50 percent "ugly" calendar part), a "full-sized calendar" is more of a wall decoration.
In fact, when you find such a calendar, perhaps shrink-wrapped, you can't tell at first from the cover page whether it's a calendar with a huge half-page grid or whether it's a European-style calendar, that is, poster-style. In the U.S., it's most likely a 50/50 style calendar, as is common "left of the Atlantic". In Europe, it is a poster style calendar, just like they are common in Germany, if you find it in a bookstore. For a long time we didn't know that such brochure calendars are also available here in our country.
So far, so good. At the moment of your decision, both look the same. But what if it later hangs on a wall in your house or apartment? Try it out with the two images below. In your mind.
Look at the calendrical above at the bottom of the monthly page: It fades into the background and "lets the artwork do its work." After all, the calendar is decoration, not a tool, on a wall. However, if you need a "tool", then the European style calendar (... the calendar in the style common here in Germany) is what you don't want. Please compare the picture above with the picture below. European style calendar or poster style calendar is what we have called our offer for those interested across the pond.
Do you recognize it? The nature of your "wall decoration" is dramatically different. After you open it, it's no longer a wall decoration, but a tool for taking notes with a nice picture on top. Is this what you wanted?
You can also buy many of our ( ! ) US style 50:50 calendars with a grid as brochure calendars at "Zazzle" ... learn more here.
I promised you above to show you another example of the inexpensive calendars: Here you can see it in the picture above. But from now on there will be no more calendar cover pages. And we keep our promise! Promised! There's just one more at the very end of this page! By the way, Mr. Mozart and colleagues will be there in 2024 and also in 2025.
Surprise: Here Are Actually Two Monthly Calendar Pages, Too. So They Are No Calendar Titles. The Promise Is Still Valid!
Discover all 1,188 monthly pages of all 99 music calendars. They are all works of art, and it's a little journey into my world and that of my husband. And it's easy as pie now: Click to the shop ... for example here ... then decide on a calendar style, then decide on a calendar theme, whether that's composers calendars, music calendars, Bach calendars, or music calendars for kids. And again the little reminder: There are inexpensive calendars and there are the hot off the press calendars. After that, decide on the calendar you want. Click on it ... actually on the button under the little picture. Now scroll down to the bottom of the page and under the price information and the various size information: There are the monthly pages, and you can enlarge them quite a bit. Why not try that right now? Many, many gifts for musicians, hundreds of gifts for musicians. And by the end of 2024 ... there are thousands.
August in one of the composers calendars. Make this cool composer calendar a gift for musicians for exactly one year. 2024 + 2025.
December in the Bach Calendar. The composers calendar with the historical weekly newspaper titles and the Bach calendar with the twelve impressive Bach monuments: two really great gifts for musicians. This one above was the Publishing House's second calendar ever, and now it's available in 2024 and 2025. To the shop.
A Small Appendix On All Calendars Among the Gifts for Musicians Page: Actually You Don't Find 99 Gifts for Musicians but 298 Gifts for Musicians. Next? Bach Gifts
Now that this page of the website is actually almost finished ( ... at least as far as the music calendars are concerned ...), we haven't informed you yet that all calendars – whether affordable or hot off the press – are always available in three different sizes, that is DIN A4, DIN A3 and even the huge DIN A2 (... that is 8.3. inches by 11.7 inches. Next is 11.7 inches by 16.5 inches. And finally, it's 16.5 inches by 23.4 inches). So basically there are 298 music calendars that you could make gifts for musicians out of. And those are just the sophisticated style calendars. But beyond that, there are another 200+ calendars with the same designs, but in brochure style, those with the huge calendrical.
And: We haven't told you about the discounts yet. Believe it or not, this already starts when you order ten different calendars ... as a club, an orchestra or a choir, of course. In fact, there are already ten to 13 percent discounts then. And it gets really cool when you order 50 or even 100 calendars or more. Of course, there is then more discount when it comes to a calendar in the same design and of course also in the same size.
Now you may have one last important question here. Are there other gifts for musicians than music calendars on this website? What about Bach gifts? Well, how did you come up with that? Of course, you can also make Bach articles your gift for musicians, and it works just as well if you don't want to give a gift to a musician but to a music enthusiast. How could we almost forget about our Bach gifts, which are also gifts for musicians? Right, and also gifts for music lovers.
Gifts for Musicians: A Book About Johann Sebastian Bach and a Coloring Book About the Master from Eisenach, Thuringia
A cute book has developed from an idea. In fact a real Bach Biography. But one for children. And that means what? It means that only the most important and the most exciting periods of Bach's life play a role in the biography. And not the time in which the composer's most important works were written. And by the way, the two baroque cherubs Veit and Balthazar also have a lot of fun. It's also a great read for parents and grandparents who would like to get to know Johann Sebastian Bach better. Perhaps this is exactly the 100 percent right "Bach book." Because it is not only properly researched, but in addition entertaining, easy, light and exciting to read.
Searching for a Publishing Company or Publishing the Book on Our Own?
That's quite exciting: So, first writing a book yourself (... well, my husband Peter did that) and then following the path from the idea to the planning, the production of the first trial copy, the search for a publisher and finally being involved in the production when it becomes a "real book". That's what you usually do when you have no idea how it all works at first. But soon every aspiring author with his first book realizes that writing the text seems to be the easiest part of the project. In fact, the most difficult part is the search for a Publishing House. This can be extremely frustrating if you haven't already delivered a Harry Potter-style bestseller the month before.
And so we ... the Publishing House, which publishes the biography, and my husband, the author of this biography ... took a different, even more adventurous path: Instead of looking for a Publishing House, we decided to start one ourselves and then learn the craft of "how to make a book."
Thus, the real purpose of our consideration, in fact to refinance a little the expenses of our Bach Mission, started with exactly the opposite. That is, in fact, with a "tour de force" that took a lot, really a lot of time. Suddenly there is not only the writing of the biography and learning how to design such a book really well and then also offer it really successfully, but you realize at the latest when the first invoice for the first print run flutters into your house that the planned and projected refinancing has initially moved into the far, very far distance. But then you are also mighty proud together. Really mighty proud. And all those involved, because the illustrations have not even been mentioned yet. To make sure that it really remains a family product, my husband's sister contributed these illustrations: Petra-Ines Kaune. Thank you, Petra, once again and also here at this point. However, if you as a young author and also as a very young Publishing House find a likeable print shop that not only supports you with an outstanding price, but also proves that you also believe in the success of the book, then in the end much less can "go wrong". Of course, it still remains exciting.
Most unfairly, it seems that – "felt" – you face one of the most difficult decisions in the life as a publisher: In fact, if you offer the book at a price that is too high, the first print run seems much easier to pay for. If ... yes, if ... you sell enough books. That is a precondition, of course. But if you offer the book at a very low price, it will be bought more often and will be ... sold out more quickly. But then it doesn't cover the expenses. It's exciting to see this in practice. If you printed a million books, you could even make a living from them ... if they ever sold. Then also ... at a super low price. But you first have to pay for these one million books. And finally – who ever thinks of that – you also have to store them for a long time. If only 100 books were printed, the price for one copy would be so extremely high that you could keep these 100 copies for a very long time very comfortably for oneself all alone at home: You would have to be able to sell a book however then very, very expensively, in order to compensate the print cost ever. The storage space ... would then, however, be no problem, of course.
It's amazing how exciting it gets as soon as you know: You want 176 pages printed on a great paper quality, you want it printed excellently and then finally perfectly shrink-wrapped, because it "just looks much more valuable": For those who love adventures, writing a book and then also publishing it is 100 percent exactly the right thing.
By the way: This cute Biography About Johann Sebastian Bach for Children is not only available on paper, but also as an eBook and also as an exciting audiobook. As an audiobook even in three variants: With no music, with little music, and with lots of music ... by Bach, of course. Would you like to listen in now? It's worth it and here it goes in "no time at all" to the shop. One click will take you to the page regarding the biography. Oh yes, and of course there's also a version for your tablet: In which time do we live anyway?!
You Actually Wanted to Learn More About That Cute Little Coloring Book, the Gift for Musicians for the Littlest Children?
The Bach Coloring Book is also one of the Publishing House's particularly exciting gifts for musicians. Like the Bach Biography for Children, it was created purely as a family project. It was the dream of Peter Bach Jr., who also provided the specifications for the individual stages of Johann Sebastian Bach's life. And he also wrote what is surely the shortest printed Bach Biography in about 17 sentences. In two languages: German and English at the same time. The cute drawings were all painted by Briana Bach-Hertzog, who is even more closely related to the composer from Thuringia than the author himself. Finally, Renate Bach and her "Bach 4 You" Publishing House went through many more creative and also technical steps until today they can finally offer the little Bach Coloring Book and its sister project, the Bach Kindergarten Game. Do you want to see more pictures right now? You can do that in the store and with a click here you can get there.
By the way, we can also offer you something very special about the Bach Coloring Book itself, because it has now got its "very own" website. There you can view not only one coloring book page, but all together. And it's really big, too. Plus, you can also find out about the coloring aids for the kids. With one click here and you are there.
And while we're at it, the Bach Biography for Children now also has its own website, where all the details are addressed in much, much more detail (... didn't we mention that above?). And not only this Bach Biography and the Bach Coloring Book have their own website like this. The kindergarten game about Bach became jealous, and today it also has such an internet presence. Here you can visit this website.
The Bach Kindergarten Game. A gift for musicians actually for a whole kindergarten – and of course for the kindergarten teachers – if they want to join our mission in the subject of Bach and in the subject of Classical Music. How does it work? Well, that's what this Bach Kindergarten Game website is for (... yes, we also mentioned it above). And very briefly and already now and here a suggestion? Gladly. Buy such a game, give it to the kindergarten of your trust or simply to the one in your neighborhood and ... off you go.
Just two examples out of many, which you could make a great gift for musicians with your purchase, is what we want to present here, directly on this page. Because – except with the many text – we do not want to overdo it. These gentlemen Bach above in alabaster gypsum, wood and plastic, they are available in part only in the Publishing House "Bach 4 You". However, hardly any other musician gift provider finances a Bach Mission with it. And – an insider tip – there are also plaster heads of Bach, which simply do not look beautiful at all (... so with other suppliers). "Bach 4 You" guarantees only the most beautiful ones. We are convinced of that.
This is also one of the cool gifts for musicians on the subject of Johann Sebastian Bach: It's the complete Bach works of music on 142 CDs. It's the current edition, not one from long ago or even much earlier. In addition, there are 16,800 pages of Bach's sheet music works (... add-on number 1 ... as PDF), the so-called "Old Bach Gesamtausgabe" ( ... that's what it's really called, and it's not the music to listen to, but it's the sheet music). And finally you get five more add-ons, completely free of charge in the price. Which add-ons? Find out now. With one click here.
So, did we promise too much? Would "gifts for musicians, gifts for musicians, gifts for musicians" have been a better title for this page? Who knows for sure? Thank you very much for still being here and for "hanging in there" so long and bravely. And now? Now off to one of the stores in the Bach Mission?
Five Bach shops … learn more here.
That's right, a children's calendar. But ... maybe a children's calendar for older children. Or maybe ... a children's calendar for children who are no longer children at all. Let's leave that best open ... in any case, it is once again and now finally final? Right, a gift for musicians. This Warhol-style composers calendar is available 2024 + 2025. Three sizes. To the shop.
End ... of Advertisement ... of Commercial ... of Promotion