You see 5 children, two boy, three girls. On the left is the oldes boy, next is the oldest girl. Next is a girl, than a boy again and finally a girl. They are on the floor and they are looking to the photographer. All children are smiling.
You see 5 children, two boy, three girls. On the left is the oldes boy, next is the oldest girl. Next is a girl, than a boy again and finally a girl. They are on the floor and they are looking to the photographer. All children are smiling.

Bach Cities and Bach Places ... Actually, Here's a Way to Remember Them Easily


Not in a book for children about Johann Sebastian Bach ... but in a real biography, it is complicated at the beginning. And it seems to be a real mess: where Johann Sebastian Bach lived and where Johann Sebastian Bach worked. Because travels are mixed with places of residence, genealogy with concert locations. And so on and so forth ... nothing is really simple with Johann Sebastian Bach.

Nine minutes, and you're done with the life of Johann Sebastian Bach. And you don't spoil your pleasure in learning more about the Thomas Cantor, even if you're not yet ten years old.



Easy to Remember: The Number Is 8 or 9 or 10


It all starts with Johann Sebastian Bach in Eisenach. In fact, he was born there. He was in Ohrdruf from the age of 10, and then he went on to school in Lüneburg. That makes three locations.


This is followed by the time when he worked in Thuringia: A for Arnstadt, M for Mühlhausen, W for Weimar. This is a good way to remember the order. A M W. Makes another three, so six in all. 


Bach got married in Dornheim, but it was during the Mühlhausen period. Plus one Bach location makes seven. From Weimar, he moved to Köthen and finally to Leipzig. Plus two makes nine.


On a side note: Bach was even in Weimar twice. Once, however, so short, after his school years and only half a year, that some biographers let it drop completely under the table. So do we here. That leaves nine "real" Johann Sebastian Bach cities and towns. If you want to remember one more place, add Wechmar: In fact, that's where it all began, because that's where the Bach family became the world-famous Bach family of musicians. With the great-great-grandfather of Johann Sebastian Bach, Veit Bach. And here they are, these nine or ten Bach towns and Bach locations. Very briefly introduced.



9 + 1 Bach Cities and Bach Places: Wechmar, Thuringia

Out of competition, so to speak: This is the Veit Bach Mill in the Bach location of Wechmar. Wechmar is therefore not a "Johann Sebastian Bach place", and Wechmar is certainly not a Bach city. Because Wechmar is not a city. But here in Wechmar everything began ... exciting for those who are interested in the composer and his family after a short biography (... you will get it from me in eight variations). And if not now, then maybe in 20 years. So you already know where to find everything about the musician and composer Johann Sebastian Bach on the internet.



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The Bach City of Eisenach, Thuringia

Number 1 of the "Johann Sebastian Bach cities": Eisenach. However, Johann Sebastian Bach was not born in the Wartburg ... here in the picture. But neither was he born in the Bach House. However, he lived nearby for almost ten years. You may wonder why Eisenach, for example, is a "Johann Sebastian Bach city" and not simply a Bach city. The answer has to do with the number of Bachs who used to make music in Thuringia and around Thuringia over several centuries. That is why not every Bach city is also a "Johann Sebastian Bach city". Until today, there are about 200 Bachs, which made the Bache (... that was their name in former times) the greatest family of musicians of all times.



Bach City of Ohrdruf, Thuringia

Number 2 of the "Johann Sebastian Bach Cities" is Ohrdruf. Johann Sebastian Bach moved in with his eldest brother after losing first his mother, then his uncle, and finally his father at the age of only nine respectively ten.



Bach City of Lüneburg, Lower Saxony

Number 3 of the "Johann Sebastian Bach Cities": Lüneburg. This makes exactly three Bach cities where the young composer and musician spent his childhood and youth. After he migrated from Lüneburg back to Thuringia, he "worked" for only a few months at the princely court in Weimar. That was such a short time, for us it doesn't count as a real job.



The Bach City of Arnstadt, Thuringia

Number 4 of the "Johann Sebastian Bach Cities": Arnstadt. Bach's childhood and youth are followed by his time in Thuringia. It is best to remember the number 4 for this. It was in Arnstadt that the musician first became a cantor. This was his first real ( ! ) profession. The first half year with no serious job we just wanted to leave out ... but care in a class work.



The Bach City of Mühlhausen, Thuringia

Number 5 of the "Johann Sebastian Bach cities": Mühlhausen. Here was Bach cantor too, like in Arnstadt, however, this was a short period only.


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The Bach Place of Dornheim, Thuringia


However, number 6 is definitely a "Johann Sebastian Bach location", because it is really "only" a very tiny community. As a Bach location, however, it is particularly worth seeing. The cantor Johann Sebastian Bach married here in Dornheim during his time of activity in Mühlhausen.



The Bach City of Weimar, Thuringia

Number 7 of the "Johann Sebastian Bach Locations": Weimar. The musician played here for a whole nine years. And he composed. First as a musician, later as a concertmaster. By the way, neither of these two gentlemen above is Johann Sebastian Bach.



The Bach City of Köthen, Saxony-Anhalt

Number 8 in the list. From here on it becomes easy, because only two Bach locations outside Thuringia in the professional life of Johann Sebastian Bach follow. Firstly, this is number 7 of the "Johann Sebastian Bach cities and Johann Sebastian Bach locations", which in fact is Köthen.



The Bach City of All Bach Cities: Leipzig, Saxony

Number 9 of the "Johann Sebastian Bach Cities and Places": Leipzig. The composer spent a whole 27 years here. Here he was the Thomas Cantor.



Now you miss the number 10? Okay, I introduced you to the very beginning of this page to the first Bach location before all the other Johann Sebastian Bach cities and all the Bach locations. It's Wechmar, this small community in Thuringia. You read about it at the very beginning, it is already in the ranking "out of competition". And now it's up to you to decide how far you want to "dive" into the Bach universe. Actually, when it comes to such a famous, large and exciting family, the "cradle" of this clan would have to be part of it – so to speak – and also count, even if Johann Sebastian Bach was never there. But if your homework, essay or project is supposed to become short, then probably eight Bach cities and Bach locations will do. But if you want to elaborate a bit, first add the Bach location of Dornheim, where Bach married his first wife. And if you want to impress your audience, then tell them that there are even 33 Bach cities and Bach locations in total, just for those who want to read deeply, really very deeply into the subject of Johann Sebastian Bach and the Bache.


8 or 9 or 10

Bach Cities / Bach Places ?


Music of Johann Sebastian Bach, plus Photos of the Bach Cities and the Bach Places ... That Means: No Boring Narrated Text


For all of you. For all of you, who would like to explore more pictures than just one of the Bach cities and Bach places, there is a really special "service". Renate and I have decided on the 10 of the most favored and most well-known music works of the great Johann Sebastian Bach and searched for some 25 pics. So you have enough time, to discover the individual photos of the Bach cities and the Bach places, plus you can listen to the extraordinary music, too.



The Bach Place of Wechmar Music Video

Johann Sebastian Bach for Children: The music video No. 1 on this page ... about Wechmar. By the way, all the other videos earlier are "Bach Videos", because they come with narrated text. These ten current ones are without narrated text ... only with music ... In addition to the pics of this Bach location I decided for Bach's music work "Bauernkantate", which is "Peasants Cantata". In the BWV, the Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis, which is the Bach Work Index – however, there is no such translation – it is the number BWV 212.



The Bach City of Eisenach Music Video

Johann Sebastian Bach for Children: The music video No. 2 on this page ... about Eisenach. Coming with the pictures of Eisenach, I decided to present Bach's music piece "Ouverture No. 2 in B minor". In the Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis, it has the number BWV 1067.



The Bach City of Ohrdruf Music Video

Johann Sebastian Bach for Children: The music video No. 3 on this page ... about Ohrdruf. This city is one of the smaller Bach cities and in the oncoming video I decided – as an example – to add Bach's music work "Wohl mir, daß ich Jesum habe". It's the number 147 in the BWV, the Bach Works Index, which in German is Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis.



The Bach City of Lüneburg Music Video

Johann Sebastian Bach for Children: The music video No. 4 on this page ... about Lüneburg. I took many photos of this lovely town without a Bach memorial. I chose some 25, and I combined it with Bach's work in the BWV No. 1042, which is "Violin Concert No. 2 in E major".



The Bach City of Arnstadt Music Video

Johann Sebastian Bach for Children: The music video No. 5 on this page ... about Arnstadt. I decided on a musical work from the "Brandenburg Concerts". It's the Concert No. 3. It's number 1048 in the Bach Works Register. You know, what's this in English, don't you?



The Bach City of Mühlhausen Music Video

Johann Sebastian Bach for Children: The music video No. 6 on this page ... about Mühlhausen. I decided on the perfect pictures, and I decided on the perfect sound to mix both: It's the "Magnificat in D major". It's number 243 in the Bach Works Register BWV (Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis).



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The Bach Place of Dornheim Music Video

Johann Sebastian Bach for Children: The music video No. 7 on this page ... about Dornheim Music Video (8) ... what a title. Believe me, it wasn't easy, at all, to take enough pictures for this presentation in Dornheim. I decided for Johann Sebastian Bach's "Christmas Oratorio", which is number 248 in the Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis.


The Bach City of Weimar Music Video

Johann Sebastian Bach for Children: The music video No. 8 on this page ... about Weimar. Remember? Don't mess up Weimar and Wechmar. Here it's about Weimar,  the only Bach city, where Bach worked and lived twice in his life. We decided on the music work "Concert No. 2" of the "Brandenburg Concerts". Can't you wait to get the BWV number? Here you are: It's BWV number 1047.



The Bach City of Köthen Music Video

Johann Sebastian Bach for Children: The music video No. 9 on this page ... about Köthen. Please enjoy the music video about the city, which Bach liked best back then. I decided for a sad music work with the tile "Ich hatte viel Bekümmernis", which is – over the thumb – "I Had Many Troubles", which is number 21 in the Bach Works Register.


The Bach City of Leipzig Music Video

Johann Sebastian Bach for Children: The music video No. 10 on this page ... about Leipzig. I decided on Bach's music work "Suite No. 1 from the 6 Cello Suites". A final hint: It's number 1007 in the Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis, the Bach Works Register, the BWV.


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