You see 5 children, two boy, three girls. On the left is the oldes boy, next is the oldest girl. Next is a girl, than a boy again and finally a girl. They are on the floor and they are looking to the photographer. All children are smiling.
You see 5 children, two boy, three girls. On the left is the oldes boy, next is the oldest girl. Next is a girl, than a boy again and finally a girl. They are on the floor and they are looking to the photographer. All children are smiling.

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A Gift for Your Pastor, Father, Priest and Reverend? A Gift Idea for Your Cantor or Organist?


A gift, then, for your pastor. Is that what you are looking for?! For your father, for your reverend... and what are all the titles correctly for your priest? A gift idea how to give a great pleasure to your cantor or your organist? A surprise? Here, on this page, we are not presenting just one gift, there are four gifts. Or better: many gifts, which could be suitable then if you want to surprise your cantor or organist, as well as your pastor, father, priest and reverend musically, so to speak. Because then there are even far more gifts.


If your pastor loves classical music, then there are dozens of gifts, if your organist loves pipe organ music (... which organist doesn't with this profession?!), then there are already six additional pipe organ calendars, but soon there will be seven, eight, then nine, and so on ... every year one more. Maybe Beethoven is your pastor's favorite composer, you find out, and we have one more cool calendar. Maybe your priest likes to listen to Mozart, in which case we have a punctual gift for him, too. Your cantor is a Bach fan? You probably won't find more Bach gifts anywhere. Even for your choir director there is the best gift in the store of "Bach 4 You". Have fun now reading this page and don't be annoyed by the many repetitions of some words on it.


So ... enjoy the pictures or browse afterwards also directly in the store. There everyone will find a gift for his or her pastor, his or her priest, his or her father, or his or her reverend, and his or her organist and finally also ... his or her cantor and his or her cantoress. And if we exclude the Luther calendar and also a Bach calendar, then the pipe organ calendar is in addition quite certainly also for catholic shepherds of their community a gladly seen small thing as a thank you, as a gift, for anniversary, for farewell, for birthday and for Christmas. And don't worry: If you are reading here now, you have already " resisted" the repetitions – which are so important for this page – in the best possible way. You find the choice of words already very borderline, exaggerated, you think it is bad writing style? Of course it is, I can also be quite different. However, we wanted to find each other. And that's the only way. Otherwise you'll get stuck with the giants on the internet: with the huge gift portals, with Amazon and whatever they're all called. So – promise – one last time in this keyword density: Please enjoy the following photos and maybe a Luther calendar will be the ultimate gift for your pastor, your father, your priest, your reverend, your cantor and finally your organist. Have fun from here on out. Thanks for reading on ... on and on.


Now you do not want to be more entertained, you would like to quickly visit the store? Click on the shop button on the right. Or simply here.



For sure, you will not be wrong with this Luther calendar if you want to please your pastor. Enjoy, already under the next three images below, the twelve monthly pages.

Luther stamps: This was an option for my Luther Calendar in spring 2024 ... but I just didn't find enough that were both particularly beautiful, but at the same time not too poppy. Because three or four specimens of a theme should at least show up in such a calendar. Unfortunately, at that time I did not know the fantastic website of Frank Schumann: That happened only in midsummer 2024. There practically everything is found and compiled what was printed on small pieces of paper: all stamps, postcards and pictures (... which of course are not printed as original). More than 1,500 treasures, for example also first day covers first day sheets, maximum cards and so called numismatic letters. You definitely don't need to speak any German to enjoy the many finds. His website is well worth a visit ... but ... please come back then.

Definitely a gift for your organist or your cantor: one of the most requested Bach calendars. Below are the many cool monthly pages.

Indeed: Are they the most beautiful pipe organs in churches around the world? We definitely think so. Every year there is a new pipe organ calendar and you can make it a great gift.

Another dreamlike Bach calendar that you can make an exciting gift: for your (... Protestant and also Catholic) head of your church community.



The Luther Calendar: The Ultimate Gift for Your Pastor or Father, Your Priest or Your Reverend

The first portrait of the reformer: Martin Luther as a wood engraving. January in the cool gift for your pastor of your community.



There are occasions when it is a little difficult to give away not just a gift, but a particularly heartfelt, personal and creative idea. Because what is valuable is not that you give something away, but what you give away. And there is another criterion when you think about a gift for your pastor: It must be a gesture, a gift that you notice that it is not the commercial value, but the cordiality to thank you for often years of togetherness. Quite simple ... it is certainly not. But ... You have found this page, and now you will find many, many suggestions, but at least three calendars, which are certainly ultimate exciting for your community leader and the "helpers as well as helpers of the helpers".

One of our favorite motifs: Dresden is not a Luther city, but the Church of Our Lady with the Luther memorial in front of it is just right for the Luther calendar: February in the Luther calendar.


What do you give a likeable pastor or a gifted organ player in your own community, the organist at the "King of Musical Instruments"? It is not so easy then, if it should be something special. Something that should fit the life, the enthusiasm or the job of the gift recipient. And then, of course, it must not be too expensive. For two reasons: First, it shouldn't be misunderstood as an obligation if it's for an occasion other than a pastor's departure to another community or retirement. The lower the purchase price and, at the same time, the more original the gift, the more it will be appreciated. A Luther calendar or a Bach calendar is such a gift. With it you can thank for the accompaniment of a wedding, an attention and at the same time the thanks for a baptism, the and time spent in connection with a confirmation of your children or grandchildren. And so much more.


Why a Martin Luther calendar for the pastor of protestant Christians or your father, priest or reverend will like to the point, is – so we think – without further elaboration. But why a Bach calendar can also be just the right thing is something that those who are not enthusiastic about classical music themselves are unlikely to know. Johann Sebastian Bach, many people think, has composed exclusively church music. But this is not true, because a huge percentage of all works by the Eisenach composer are secular works. And yet: None of the composers of classical music is associated with church compositions as much as Johann Sebastian Bach. It is exciting to note that even Catholic clergymen can be enthusiastic about Bach's work. Even a pope, although the Catholic head of the church, described Bach's "B Minor Mass" as the zenith of church music. Let's continue in the next section. Inappropriate now again a picture from the Luther calendar. For your pastor. Or ... your reverend.

Luther arrives at Wartburg Castle. A wood engraving. March in the Luther calendar. 2024 + 2025. Two styles. Three sizes.

The Martin Luther Monument in Wittenberg, Germany: the April in the Luther calendar 2024. In how many sizes you get it and in how many styles, is what you already know.

Portrait number 2 in the month number 5.

Attention, American visitors, and possibly interested people from more countries around the world. The vast majority of calendars in the USA look like the one above. When we did not know that they also exist here and are called brochure calendars, we called the style offered especially for the USA "50:50 calendar" or the calendar "... in US Style". Here you hang for decoration purposes poster calendars on the wall. How to get a brochure calendar? Click here and on the following page choose "Zazzle" and there the calendars section.

What a destination worth visiting: Eisenach in Thuringia. Luther city and Bach city. Both went to school there. The two world-class personalities are remembered there. June in the Luther calendar for pastors.



Your sacristan is also a suitable candidate if you want to present him or her with a heartfelt thank you at the end of the year. Or at the farewell, retirement or Christmas or the round birthday. Who is a sacristan in a church without believing in God himself?! So the theme also fits for him or her. The same is certainly true for the organist and for the cantor anyway. And its female counterpart, too, of course. A Bach calendar fits even if the improbability is true that cantor or organist are not believing Christians. But we do not believe that there are such people. We present two Bach calendars on this page, but there are 33 of them. In a few years there will be more than "just" one Luther calendar. It is completely different with this year's seven organ calendars. It will please each cantor as well as each organist in any case. And every Pastor and every Father and every Reverend too. Much further down you'll find all twelve appetizers, so to speak ... the twelve monthly pages in this year's pipe organ calendar. 

At Wartburg Castle near Eisenach: Martin Luther fortranslates the Bible. "Fortranslating" was the word in use back then. You know what it means today. We are in the summer of the Luther Calendar 2024. It will be reproduced in 2024. Maybe then already next to another one. And it comes in three sizes and two styles. Why do we keep mentioning this? You knew it: It's so we can find each other. And that with billions of websites on the internet.

Certainly the most famous portrait of Martin Luther. In the Luther Calendar on the title page and at the end of midsummer.

Luther marries the former nun Katharina von Bora. Did you know that the descendants of Martin Luther today call themselves Lutherids. As is the case with Bach, however, there are no direct descendants left who bear the name Luther, or Bach, respectively. Both lines have long since died out. The beginning of autumn in the Luther Calendar for pastors and all active Lutheran Christians on earth.

What a cloud mood, what a photo composition: October in the Martin Luther Calendar 2024 + 2025. It is the Luther Monument in the Lutherstadt (Luther City) Eisleben.

Home music in the circle of his family: Luther is certainly the best known representative of Protestant Christianity. November in the Luther Calendar.

This is the only way Martin Luther dominates a photo of the largest Reformation monument in Europe ... in Worms, Germany. If more of the complete eleven personalities are to be seen, the photographer has to step back quite a bit. But then Luther, although larger than the other artworks and also taller, loses his importance and is less dominant. That ... is what we did not want on the December calendar page of our Luther work. The end of the year in the Luther Calendar. But on the 31st perhaps the absolute beginning of the coming year with such or other of the presented calendars.



Bach-Kalender ... for Your Pastor, Father, Reverend, Priest, Sacristan, Cantor, and Organist in Your Church Community


Two Bach calendars were created especially because we needed antique, that is historical illustrations for several of our Bach websites, because no page should be like another. Once bought, then scanned, reworked and embedded, it is still valuable, but you think about what else you could do with it. And because there were around 24 such treasures, it simply resultswith usalso two Bach calendars ... and not only one.


It is an exciting hodgepodge and we ask for your attention: It is not the Bachhaus in 1759, nine years after the death of the Thomas Cantor, but the consecutive number of the entrance ticket to the Bachhaus in Eisenach, Germany. Of course, the hint is not meant quite seriously.

Did you know that the first and "Old" Bach Monument is just a 30 second walk from the New Bach Monument? Walk towards the front of St. Thomas Church and you will almost trip over it. Around the world you can find more than 30 such monuments for Johann Sebastian Bach.

Such weekly newspapers were the forerunners of today's illustrated magazines. The best known: "Die Gartenlaube". Perfectly scanned and prepared for you. March in this calendar. For your pastor and ... well you know!

St. Thomas Church from the "other side" (... as one usually knows it). Next to it the former St. Thomas School, which was "simply demolished" at some point. The April motif for your Reverend. 

Yes ... here the two gentlemen related to our hobby and perhaps in your calendar are reunited. In Eisenach they were once – spiritually – closer than ever: on the left the Bach House, on the right the Luther House.

They are not so easy to find. Cool wood and steel engravings on the theme of Johann Sebastian Bach: June in your calendar?

What a jewel, if you are enthusiastic about it: above the master in person, below the Old Bach Monument and behind it the St. Thomas School. In July ... in your calendar.

"Singing Leisure on the Pleiße" (... Singende Muse an der Pleiße): Do you see the couple on the right? It is supposed to be Johann Sebastian Bach and his wife Anna Magdalena. By the way, it is the only picture of Anna Magdalena Bach that (... almost) no expert contradicts.

Are there handwritten documents from the Thomas Cantor? Yes, there are. Even some of them. But are there also original, handwritten letters, that is personal letters? No ... with one exception, the letter to his childhood friend Martin Erdmann.

A little Palmin picture. How funny. And what is a little Palmin picture? Well, in the past, if you decided to fry your Sunday roast and more in the fat of the company Palmin, then there was a little picture in the package. And such a picture is today a jewel in our collection of Bach rarities.

A really likeable mistake can be found on this piece of jewelry, according to which Johann Sebastian Bach should have been well over 100 years old. How cool is that!

End of the year in the first of two Bach calendars with historical parts. December. 2024 + 2025. Two styles. Three sizes.



Once Again About the Martin Luther Calendar: How Do You Come Up With Such an Idea?

Correct, the one above is the Bach manikin. Not the Luther manikin. Not the Mozart manikin.



So, how did it come into being, the Luther Calendar for your pastor, Reverend, priest, father, sacristan, cantor and organist? A long, long time ago, on the present date about twelve years ago, we began our Johann Sebastian Bach Mission. I with my project "Bach on Bach" and also the poretal for kids, on which you are reading curently: "Johann Sebastian Bach for Children" and Renate Bach with her Publishing House and the matching store. At that time there was the Mozart manikin of a well-known toy manufacturer. And interested people and Bach fans asked us if there was no Bach manikin. A lady from the far north of Europe even asked if we could have a Bach manikin produced. And yes, we could have. But we would have had to buy at least a few thousand. That was beyond feasibility and there remained only the completely unfounded hope that one day one could be produced.


Then came the 500th year of the Reformation and this toy manufacturer honored Martin Luther by making a little Luther man. And this figure became an absolute success and best seller. It was the most requested little manikin of all. A little later, finally, a completely different "crowd" celebrated the 333rd birthday of Johann Sebastian Bach and they could decide – how good and finally – for the "emission" of a Bach manikin. Of course, this little musician can be bought today in the "Bach 4 You" store, the Store of the Mission and the Store of the Publisher.


So, if the Luther manikin was in such demand – we thought – there might also be enough enthusiasts to make a Luther calendar ... actually a Dr. Martin Luther calendar ... exciting.

Almost nowhere else were Bach and Luther – at least spiritually – as close as on the square in front of the Georgenkirche (... st. George Church) in Eisenach, Germany. "Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott" (... "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God") was texted by Martin Luther, and he composed the melody – perhaps together with another musician – as well. Today, the Bach Memorial stands on Frauenplan (... a square's name), next to the Bach House and the state-of-the-art Bach Museum.

Only here – again spiritually – were Bach and Luther even closer. Both attended the Martin Luther Gymnasium in Eisenach, Germany. At a distance of 200 years ... pi times thumb.

Could Dr. Martin Luther and Johann Sebastian Bach have once studied in the same classroom? Absolutely yes. Could they even have sat on the same chair? Rather less so, because no chair lasted 200 years behind a school desk back then either. We are sure about that. Has it been handed down? No, it has not.



And immediately we were confronted with a challenge. With Mozart and Beethoven, there was the option of "mixing" historical finds with modern motifs that had been created in our time. But with Luther ... this was simply not an option. Only serious motifs were allowed in such a Luther calendar: wood engravings, an oil painting and ... really Luther monuments on great photos. There are really many monuments of Bach. There are more than of any composer. But Luther ... that tops everything. Luther monuments helped us "out of trouble". Because even stamps are not really useful on the subject of Luther. So it became, the Luther calendar, a "trilogy of monuments, wood engravings and the one oil painting" from the workshop of Lucas Cranach the Elder. Now you know the whole history of the Luther calendar up to the present day. And new ideas are already "fermenting". This brings us to the second Bach calendar. By the way, you get once again to the shop here. In case you are tired of reading. Meanwhile.



The Cool Second Bach Calendar With Historical Parts

Again, as a reminder ... the cover. You're welcome, it's been a while since you've seen it.


Wonderful: a historical postcard. At that time, people were still firmly convinced that Bach was born in this house, the Bach House. But he was not. 

Bach with his Thomaners in the foreground, St. Thomas Church and St. Thomas School in the background. February in this calendar.

Two truly greats of history, here united on one wood engraving: Johann Sebastian Bach plays for the "Old Fritz", King Frederick the Great ... of Prussia.

Now it's Bach's turn when it comes to house music: The basis for this engraving was the oil painting by Toby Edward Rosenthal.

Did you know that there are dozens of portraits of Bach? Only one is probably authentic, that is the best-known one by Elias Gottlob Haußmann, who is said to have painted it in 1746. However, there are three originals by him. Above, it is an exciting, historical and actually sent postcard.

Right, the June page is also the title page. Such music booklets can actually still be found quite often, if one is not particularly "hot" on a quite specific one.

Summer in the second Bach calendar: It's about music, music, music ... and July.  Zwischendurch geht es hier wieder einmal zum Shop, dieses Mal ohne Klicken zur passenden Seite.

The "Old Bach Monument" with several ladies. Did you know that the money for it was donated by Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy about 100 years after Bach's death? For Bach enthusiasts, this also famous composer is the absolute super hero. In "Bach on Bach," you'll find out why.

Another Bach jewel, another Bach portrait, another Bach artist.

Probably the most likeable misprint "ever": The artist must have been so enthusiastic about his famous colleague in terms of music that he or she – back in the Caribbean – could not imagine that the town of his birth was not called Eisenbach. With a "b". How cool. Are you in the mood, to discover meanhwile 160 Bach postage stamps now?

The calendar year is coming to an end and if you browse a lot, you will find many treasures. So also the motive above ... November in the second historical Bach calendar.

One final "Greeting from Leipzig", a postcard actually sent, which at that time was also written on the front. On many postcards from that time this is the case. You can see the St. Thomas Church from the not so popular side and next to it also the St. Thomas School, which unfortunately no longer exists today. December in the Bach calendar, the second historical. 2024 + 2025. In two styles. In three sizes.



The Pipe Organ Calendar for All People, Christians and Pipe Organ Fans


It is a great togetherness. Have you ever been to Martin Doering's "" (The Pipe Organ Website: It's also in English). And you are a pipe organ fan? So pipe organ fan and pastor or priest or reverend at the same time? Or pipe organ fan and organist or cantor or sacristan? Then let's go to Martin Doering (... but please return afterwards). He photographs pipe organs "for his life with pleasure" and explores them and describes them, collects sound examples and works. And prepares everything around "the queen of musical instruments" scientifically. That's where we get all our organ motifs. And sure, we may. Otherwise ... we wouldn't. At Martin Doering you will find over 6,000 pipe organs and 26,000 photos as well as 11,000 music titles. From over 80 countries around the globe. And there is a lot of interesting and exciting information to be found there. And the photos are getting higher and higher in resolution. What a joy, what splendor. Overwhelming. Have fun now with the – in the sense of our offer – "most neutral" calendar (... not like the Luther calendar) for pastors (... this time also gladly catholic), for priests, for superintendents, for your cantor (... again for those who are catholic) and then also for your organist (...). You guessed it, for all the organists on all the pipe organs in the world.


You can find out where to find this pipe organ above on the calendar page. It is January this year.

February – not in the Luther calendar – but in the pipe organ calendar. 2024 + 2025. Also in two styles and three sizes.

For whom? For your pastor. Do we have to mention this again? Yes ... we must.

What a jewel in April of the current year.

Only a visit there can be more enjoyable. 

Do you remember? Actually this website page is about Luther calendars. About Luther calendars for pastors and ... well, not again.


August. 2024 + 2025.

September in the calendar year.

Together we have arrived in the fall: the month of October.

With the November calendar page, the year is slowly coming to an end.

December and Christmas in one year with dreamlike pipe organ motifs from instruments around the world. Next year the publishing house offers a new, next pipe organ calendar, then with more jewels. At the same time you can still order any pipe organ calendar of previous years again. Of course then with the current calendar ... that almost goes without saying.



Well, you are still reading here and have not grown tired of the many formulations around the terms pastor, father, priest, cantor and organist? A really big thank you. It's part of the mystery of how to get noticed on the internet today. "Shouting out loud" is what you might call it. Search engines make it necessary, because they look for keywords, for search terms. and the winner is the one who embeds them the most in his or her texts. And much more than that. And that is not so easy. For attentive readers it is really borderline. But otherwise ... we would not have found each other ... better you would not have found me. And no more copy of the Luther Calendar would ever be printed, and the few Luther Calendars we have had printed at our risk would surely be waste paper, environmentally unfriendly trash paper. We don't want that.



And so we turn here also still to the small, better tiny group of people who could actually become the presentees. Namely, to you, Mr. Pastor, and you, Mrs. Reverend, to the Priest reading here, and also to the Father and the Superintendent. And likewise to the organist and to the cantor and that in both Christian denominations:


All these calendars – well of course except the Luther calendar for Catholics – are of course also suitable as gifts for members of your congregation. As birthday gifts, for confirmation, baptism, farewell or silver or golden wedding. We are very curious if you as a pastor ... I do not really enumerate now once again all ... came by here, and we may send a calendar to you. Thank you for your interest, your reading, and your indulgence of the many terms so important to us ... such as pastor, priest ... and Co.!

One last time: the Luther Calendar for pastors, reverends ... and now it's really time to stop fooling around. Promise.



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